Die englische Abteilung (SIA)

British Option   



A Unique Experience

SIA pupils develop and grow within a pleasant and effective learning environment. One hundred percent of our pupils pursue higher education and the percentage of pupils graduating with honours exceeds 90% each year. Our pupils also have the opportunity to excel outside of the classroom in our Model United Nations Club, the parent-sponsored Saltimbuc English Theatre Group, the Big Band, and other activities offered through school. Each year, the seconde level pupils have the opportunity to benefit from a three week individual language exchange or internship abroad, and in premier year all of the sections participate in a school trip to Berlin. We believe that the LFA SIA experience should mean more than completing a required course of study and academic excellence. We strive to create a truly multicultural educational experience.

Flyer SIA


Where our grads go

Scotland, England, Netherlands, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, the United States, Canada ….

We organize a post-bac orientation meeting for seconde and premier pupils and parents to educate them about college options and guide them through the UCAS, Common Application and APB application processes.

We offer college guidance services to help the pupils in researching universities, exploring careers, and writing personal statements and application essays.

What our grads say

“The transition to classe préparatoire wasn’t too difficult in terms of academic expectations and work because the LFA did a great job of preparing me. The work load didn't surprise me, and doing the OIB has been a huge advantage: English class doesn’t require as much work (as most students are learning it as a foreign language), and most of what we did last year in history and geography is extremely useful this year since the curriculums are very similar.” Capucine, classe préparatoire EC-S, Lycée Sainte-Geneviève

“I strongly believe that the SIA prepared me very well for my studies: I find myself constantly reapplying knowledge gained at the LFA, be it in probability, proof by induction, or German. I expect that the programme will become harder as I begin to lose the head start given to me by the LFA.” Julian, Computer Science, University of Bristol

“The LFA really helps you to get into the good schools, but once you are in, you are in competition with students who have had a very similar level of education. The major advantage of the LFA is the practice in essay writing we have. Not very many students have had as much practice.” -Elise, Economics, Politics and International Studies, Warwick University

"I can say that my experience in the section has helped me, both in terms of close friends with whom I have stayed in contact, and in terms of experience in managing many different tasks at once. Earlier on in the year, I patently had less trouble organising my workload than others in my class, thanks to my OIB years." -Masha, Prépa BCPST, Henri IV, Paris

Contact : Mrs Rostaing, sectionsialfa@gmail.com 
